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Membership Benefits

The Airship Association believes that Lighter Than Air Vehicles (LTAVs) have the potential to provide viable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for many roles currently undertaken by more conventional forms of aviation, and their unique capabilities make them particularly suited to specific roles like persistent surveillance, eco-tourism and point to point cargo delivery.


"The Airship Association aims to promote the science, practice and consideration of all matters relating to airships and to disseminate information about airships through its magazine, e-mail news alerts, web-site, webinars and conference programme."


Our full-colour journal, AIRSHIP, is published quarterly and is free to members. In addition, the editorial team will send out regular e-mail News Alerts to members with links to all the latest updates, videos and webinars about LTA aviation.


The Association also hosts an Annual Dinner with guest speakers which is open to all members.


If you would like to know more about the benefits of membership, and the different grades of membership on offer, please scroll down this page. We invite you to explore the information, resources and links on our web-site to learn more about these extraordinary vehicles and, if you would like to be kept up to date with all the latest developments, to consider joining the Association.


Join us and be part of the journey.

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Membership Types & Benefits


Corporate Member

Corporate Membership is aimed at companies and organisations operating in the LTA sector who wish to get more involved in the Association's work.  In addition to the normal membership benefits listed below, Corporate Members will receive 6 printed copies of AIRSHIP each quarter and two free tickets to the Annual Dinner.  Corporate members may also be invited to provide speakers, join working groups and help the Association promote LTA aviation.  


Gold Member

Gold Membership is aimed at the industry experts and visionaries who don't wish to become corporate members. In addition to the normal membership benefits listed below, Gold Members will also receive one free ticket to the Annual Dinner.  Gold members may also be invited to be speakers, join working groups and help the Association promote LTA aviation.



This the core membership type and is aimed at LTA professionals, academics and other interetsted parties.  Members receive a printed copy of the AIRSHIP Journal every quarter, regular updates in the form of our e-mail News Alerts, and e-mail invitations to all Association events including the Annual Dinner and any webinars or conferences. Some of these events, such as the Annual Dinner, will be chargeable and members will be advised of the cost in the invitation.


Senior Member

Senior Members enjoy exactly the same benefits as ordinary members, but at a concessioanry rate. This membership is only open to those aged 65 and older.


Associate Member

Associate Membership is aimed at students and apprentices.  Associate Members do not receive printed copies of the AIRSHIP journal (all communications, including AIRSHIP, are via e-mail and PDF to minimise our operating costs), nor may they vote at Association meetings, but they may participate in any of our webinars and conferences.


Discounted Memberships

Most memberships runs for 12 months from 1st September each year, but there are discounted 3-year membership options for both Members and Gold Members.  

The Airship Association

Company Number 01034219 

Limited By Guarantee

© Copyright 2024, The Airship Association.
All rights reserved unless otherwise attributed.

The Airship Association is a Not for Profit Company registered in England. The Association is member owned and governed by an elected Council.

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